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For all/French/Free/Registration not required/Wheelchair-accessible.
To mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as well as the Journées de la culture, Innu poet Maya Cousineau Mollen drew inspiration from a work in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA)’s collection to craft a literary text then set to music by Anishinaabe composer Barbara Assiginaak. This cocommission from Bourgie Hall and the FIL will be performed in the Museum by Innu soprano Elisabeth St-Gelais on three occasions throughout the day. To mark the day, admission to the MMFA will also be free. This event is presented by Bourgie Hall, in collaboration with the Festival international de la littérature (FIL) and MMFA.
Information: 514-285-2000 · 1-800-899-MUSE (6873)