Our Ambassadors Over the Years
Starting in 2019, Peace Days has been represented by Ambassadors who convey the initiative’s message of peace and who help to promote Peace Days programming.
“As spokesperson for this cornerstone initiative of the Peace Network for Social Harmony, I am committed to raising awareness and participation in the wide range of activities being offered by Quebec’s grassroots organizations and institutions from September 21st to October 2nd. This is the perfect moment to work together for a more equal society – one that is based in respect, social justice and inclusion. Let’s take action and build peace!”
— Brian Bronfman, Spokesperson

Credit: Elena Lexina
“Peace can never be taken for granted. Like a human being, it needs to be nourished every day if we are to keep it alive and healthy. Like a birthday, we celebrate peace once a year in order to highlight it, to give thanks for the radiance it provides us, and to remember that it is our source of light. Let us be many to make it grow, to preserve it, to make it shine.”
— Kim Thúy

Credit: Sarah Scott
“How do we measure peace in our society, who has access to it and why?
These are the initial questions that motivate me at the dawn of Peace Days. It’s the perfect occasion to reflect on these questions, and an extraordinary opportunity to reassess our understanding of peace, and collectively rethink what social criteria foster it. World peace and equality are only possible once all communities can live with dignity, regardless of their social, economic, and academic positioning, as well as the colour of their skin and their ethnicities. Let’s work towards peace being a fundamental right and not a privilege.”
— Stéphanie Germain, Collaborator
Executive Director, Éduconnexion

Catherine D’Amours

Kevin Raphael

Will Prosper

YidLife Crisis