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Trilingual (French-English-Spanish) / Open to all / Free
Description: As part of Peace Days, and in the spirit of the Oath of Humanity©, the Welcome Collective is organizing a “Peace Picnic,” as an example to lay the foundations of a better world, for 10 newcomer families. You are welcome to come and picnic with us, as a way to offer them a warm welcome. Bring your lunch! Recognizing that prejudice and racism cause serious harm and disruption to communities, this event will be an opportunity for participants to:
Meet other newcomers;
Recognize that the hope of all human beings is to live on a peaceful planet;
Sow smiles;
Build bridges beyond words, through music;
Share the joy of a sincere and inclusive social dynamic;
Discover life stories, challenging journeys, and genuine, unique experiences that make us grow in courage and human intelligence.
This inclusive and solidary picnic is possible thanks to the collaboration of these organizations: ATSA Art into Action, Berceurs du temps, Femmes Internationales Murs Brisés Canada, Mouvement de Paix, Montréal la plus heureuse and PAAL Partageons le monde.