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Bilingual (French-English) / Open to all (adults and youth) / Free / Registration required
Description: Political communication can be marked by polarizing speeches and identity withdrawal. Quebec media are no exception. In this context, we want to explore these questions: How can citizens position themselves in response to the information communicated to them? How should we approach polarizing speeches? How critically should we examine the Ethics and Religious Culture curriculum in high schools that has now become the Quebec Culture course? Three panelists will help guide our discussion: Fabien Cishahayo, Lecturer in the Department of Communication at the University of Montreal. Normand Beaudet, Coordinator of the Centre de ressources pour la non-violence and Nancy Labonté, Coordinator of the Centre de formation sociale Marie-Gérin-Lajoie.
Registration required by September 27: https://www.zeffy.com/fr-CA/ticketing/43876b10-3ba2-4bd7-9617-4dbe53a6d8bf ou 514-276-4853 or coordination@outilsdepaix.org
Information : coordination@outilsdepaix.org