Cradling time: festive storytelling
A gentle immersion in the world of fairy tales and lullabies, Bercer le temps : contes en fête invites you to travel aboard a rocking chair. Lend an ear to its murmurings and let yourself be carried away by the echoes of childhood through stories and songs from here and abroad, with over 2,500 recordings in 90 languages. Open to the whole family, the installation creates a space for listening, sharing and meeting for young and old around oral transmission and living together.
– 12pm to 6pm, continuous, participatory sound installation with twenty rocking chairs and a mobile recording studio.
– 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., two storytelling performances by guest artists to mark the 15th anniversary of the Festilou children's storytelling festival.
We look forward to seeing you!