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In person: Lower Field Campus, McGill University, 845 Sherbrooke Boulevard West
Online: https://www.facebook.com/ArtdeVivreMTL/ and https://www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity/
Bilingual (French-English) / For all yoga enthusiasts (beginners or advanced) / Free / Registration required
Description: Yoga allows us to increase inner peace and to feel more compassion and empathy towards the other, which brings a greater sense of belonging and inclusion towards our community. On Wednesday, September 21 at 6:30 p.m., Art of Living Montreal is offering a FREE yoga session in partnership with My Healthy Workplace McGill. The live session at the McGill University Campus will also be broadcast on the Facebook pages of Art of Living Montreal and McGill University. The Art of Living Foundation aims to create a stress-free and violence-free society and celebrates the diversity of all cultures.
Registration required: Eventbrite : https://tinyurl.com/PeaceDays2022
Information: abc@artofliving.ca | 514-836-0809