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9 to 12 years old/Free/French/No registration required
The Regroupement des organismes ESPACE du Québec (ROEQ), in collaboration with ESPACE Abitibi-Est, will be presenting an interactive workshop where young people aged 9 to 12 can learn about their rights and strategies for ensuring they are respected. ROEQ believes that violence against children is the expression of a power struggle between individuals, and that it is important to promote egalitarian relationships, both among young people and adults. The workshop fits in perfectly with the theme of Peace Days 2023, since we’ll be talking about rights and strategies for preserving them, while promoting egalitarian relationships. The promotion of National Children’s Day on November 20 will provide us with the basis for promoting rights, as they are mentioned in international conventions supported by the United Nations.
Information : Janie Bergeron 418-667-7070 ext. 101